Wenona School -
Year 6 Learning Hub

Location: North Sydney, NSW
Completion Date: 2020
Cost: $0.6M
Engagement: Concept Design, Schematic Design, Documentation, Services During Construction

Our brief for this project was to design a cohesive space for the whole year group to be together, to provide visual connectivity and a variety of different learning settings to enable the development of 21st Century skills.

Wenona is a school with strong and informed approaches to pedagogy, so our team worked closely with them to craft a design that closely reflects how the space will be used by Year 6 today and one that can be easily adapted to the needs of future students.

The result is a mature learning space that enables Year 6 to work in groups, break out whilst supervised and come together as a cohort, promoting communication, collaboration and providing areas for the students to display their work.


Photographers: Michael Nicholson Photography